JAKARTA - Chief Justice Eko Aryanto was surprised when he heard the salaries received by the directors at PT Timah Tbk. Because, no less than Rp. 200 million is received every month.

Initially, Judge Eko questioned the income from Agung Pratama as Director of Operations and Production of PT Timah Tbk for the 2020-2021 period which was presented as a witness in the alleged tin corruption case.

The former director of the state-owned mining company said the salary he got was IDR 200 million.

"What is your salary at the director's level?", asked Judge Eko during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Thursday, August 29.

"At that time it was Rp200, sir," answered Agung.

"Soon, what Rp200?," said Judge Eko.

"Million," said Agung.

Hearing this answer, Judge Eko admitted that he was shocked. Then, it was also hoped that in what year Agung would receive such a salary.

"Oh my, I'm really surprised. What year was that?" asked Hakim.

"2020, sir," replied Agung.

Agung explained that the nominal salary was not fully accepted. Because, there is a tax cut of a few percent.

However, he also admitted that he still received another incentive salary. However, in the trial Agung did not mention the amount.

Judge Eko also thanked the Finance Director of PT Timah Tbk, Fina Eryani, who was also a witness in the alleged corruption case with the defendant Harvey Moeis.

A similar question was asked. Thus, Fina conveyed that the salary she received was the same as the witness Agung.

Hearing the fantastic value, Judge Eko also tried to calculate how much salary the two received in a matter of days.

"Let's count together, how much is it, it's okay, sir, so it's Rp. 60 million a day. Right? Rp. 6.5 million a day," said Judge Eko.

Judge Eko joked about the amount of salary, the two witnesses were able to use it to eat in several countries in a day.

"What is it, how can you eat breakfast, have breakfast in Jakarta, have lunch in Singapore, have dinner in London, then come back again, at midnight you don't know where Rp65 million per day, it won't end, sir," said Judge Eko.

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