Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin appealed to the public to start planning a healthy life as an effort to prolong life in the Ayo Sehat Festival 2024 at Gedung Sate Bandung.

"I urge residents to declare a healthy life, so they don't get sick, so that they can reach the age of 72 and even reach 96 years, until there are many great-grandchildren," said Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin quoting Antara.

This healthy life, said the Minister of Health, can start with regular exercise every morning at least traveling around the house, ensuring healthy and not excessive meals, and getting enough sleep for six hours.

"If done, God willing, we can at least 72 years of our life phase," said the Minister of Health.

He gave an example of Dewi Rohana's mother, 96, who spoke with her at the event, who revealed that so far she has implemented a lifestyle that should be imitated, such as maintaining food with only a small amount of meat and increasing vegetables and fruit, sleeping for quite six hours, sunbathing diligently every morning, and doing her own homework, not relying too much on machines.

"It should be imitated. Then diligently also measure blood sugar below 200, cholesterol and sugar are also maintained. The belly circle must be maintained for men under 90cm and women 80cm. So those who are here please pass it on to their families and the environment related to healthy living so that they can work, can continue to play," he said.

At the same location, Acting Governor of West Java (Jabar) Bey Kalihi Machmudin revealed that Ayo Sehat Festival 2024 reminded all parties about the importance of health ranging from pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

"So in addition to exercising, also don't forget to check our basic health checks, at least sugar, cholesterol, gout, at least routinely checked," he said.

In this festival, said Bey, knowledge about malnutrition (stunting) is also given to pregnant women and toddlers, to consultation about psychology.

"So quite a lot. We hope that this activity can remind the public about the importance of health. And it can be transmitted to families and members of other communities. Including I also appreciate and hope that posyandu mothers are enthusiastic and become at the forefront of improving the welfare of the nation," said Bey.

It was informed that the festival which took place on September 14-15, 2024 was filled with various exhibitions and activities, such as a health museum that displays life cycle information, medical device exhibitions, health community facilities, involving 100 academic partners, Jambore Posyandu, and so on.

"At least we involve 87 partners with 130 activities, in the life cycle zone, children's, youth, adults and the elderly, sports zones, healthy culinary zones, health screening, and stunting reduction exhibitions from cities/districts in West Java," said Director General of Public Health (Kesmas) of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Maria Endang Sumiwi.

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