The PDI-P (PDIP) will carry Pramono Anung-Rano Karno as the candidate pair for governor and deputy governor of Jakarta. Registration to the Jakarta KPUD will be made on Wednesday, August 28 afternoon.
"Mr. Pram will register at 11 o'clock at the KPU with Rano Karno," said PDIP General Treasurer Olly Dondokambey at the PDIP DPP office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, August 27.
Olly said there would be no announcements first like other regional head candidates. "Immediately in registration," he said.
"Just in registration, the DKI KPUD, yes, at 11.00 WIB," continued the former Governor of North Sulawesi (Sulut).
Regarding the election of Pramono-Rano Karno to run in the Jakarta gubernatorial election, Olly did not want to elaborate further. He said the domain was not his business because of his position as general treasurer in the party.
"Wow, that's not a matter of consideration. You asked, so I just said it," he said.
Previously reported, PDIP was widely heard that it would nominate Anies Baswedan as a candidate for governor in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. He is planned to duet Rano Karno, who is a cadre of the party made by Megawati Soekarnoputri.
However, Anies-Rano was not included in the candidate pair for regional head who received the recommendation and was announced on Monday, August 26. PDIP only announced six candidates for governor and deputy as well as dozens of candidates for regent/mayor
Among those announced were Andika Perkasa-Hendrar Prihadi who ran in the Central Java gubernatorial election and Airin Rachmi Diany-Ade Sumardi to run in the Banten gubernatorial election.
Even so, the PDIP DPP admitted that Anies had visited the PDIP DPP office on the sidelines of submitting recommendations for the support of the third wave of regional heads. The former governor of DKI Jakarta met Rano Karno at building B, PDIP DPP office, Menteng, Central Jakarta.
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