MEDAN - The Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, realized his promise to renovate Sarifah's house. Home renovation work began.

Renovation of Sarifah's house began on Wednesday, March 24. Head of Medan City Residential Area and Spatial Planning (PKPPR) Head Benny Iskandar directly reviewed the process of renovating Sarifah's house.

Benny came with a number of workers accompanied by the Head of the Medan Sub-District, Denai Ali Sipahutar. The workers then carried the building materials that were used to renovate the house.

In addition to house renovations, the PKPPR Office and Public Works Office, and Medan Denai District will collaborate to overcome the floods that often hit Sarifah's house.

The house renovation that was carried out included repairing the roof of the house which was always leaking and raising the floor about 35 cm to avoid flooding. Then the house construction that does not have several columns will be given a column.

Meanwhile, the walls will be plastered. Furthermore, the toilet that is outside will be moved inside, in order to make it easier for Grandma Sarifah to use it in the middle of her age.

Benny said that the house renovation was carried out according to Mayor Bobby Nasution's instructions. Through the house renovation, Grandma Sarifah will later live in a house that is suitable for habitation and avoid flooding.

“Oh God, I didn't expect this house to be repaired. Thank God, God has granted my prayer and sent people to fix it. Thank you, the Mayor for the house repairs. As an expression of gratitude, after this house is finished, I will fast for three days starting Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday”, said Grandma Sarifah, sobbing as quoted from the statement from Medan City Government, Friday, March 26.

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