The Paskibraka from South Sulawesi (Sulsel), Try Adyaksa S, who is believed to be the flag hoist during the independence ceremony at the State Palace of IKN, East Kalimantan, was promised to receive a bachelor's degree to doctoral scholarship.

This was conveyed by the Acting Governor of South Sulawesi, Prof. Zudan Arif Fakrulloh after watching a ceremony to commemorate the Seconds of the Proclamation at the State Palace of the Archipelago virtually from the Sipulung Hall of the Governor's Office, together with the South Sulawesi Forkopimda ranks, last Saturday.

The ceremony was solemn and smooth. One of the moments full of emotion and applause during the New Nusantara Team, the name pinned was asked to serve at this historic moment successfully carrying out the task.

The flag hoist is Try Adyaksa S, Paskibraka, a representative of South Sulawesi Province. Currently, he is studying at SMA Negeri 1 Parepare. When he was highlighted, complete with the South Sulawesi Provincial Government logo in his uniform.

"This is the pride of our best son in Paskibraka to have the honor of flag hoisting, congratulations to Ananda, hopefully it will run smoothly until it is finished," said Prof Zudan.

Previously, Try Adyaksa S and Paskibraka Nasional Putri from South Sulawesi Aghata Sapan Kallolangi were released by the Acting Governor at the South Sulawesi governor's office, Thursday, July 11, 2024.

Regarding whether the best sons and daughters of South Sulawesi who excel at the national level will receive awards or rewards, Prof. Zudan said that all those who excel are awarded awards in South Sulawesi, and will even be awarded scholarships.

Those who excel have the opportunity to get scholarships from S1 to S3. The governor's regulations have been prepared. The budget starts in the 2024 APBD prepared until it is continued in 2025.

"This is to appreciate our young generation who have national achievements," he concluded.

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