Speaking at the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD in 2024, DPR Speaker Puan Maharani discussed politics without value. Political struggles should be followed by national and state values that do not contain the interests of themselves and groups.
Puan emphasized the essence of democracy to provide a way for power to gain its legitimacy so that power can be used to regulate the nation and state in giving its people a prosperous life according to their dignity and dignity.
"However, democracy can also run in the wrong direction, namely democracy that does not carry out people's sovereignty," said Puan at the Nusantara Building, Jakarta, Friday, August 16.
Puan reminded that the Indonesian Constitution has placed the basic principle of democracy, namely that sovereignty is in the hands of the people, that Indonesia is a state of law and all citizens share their position in the law.
"Our constitution has regulated how people's sovereignty must be carried out collectively with the principles of checks and balances in the branches of executive, legislative and judicial state," he said.
Puan stated that the balance of power between branches of state power is executive, legislative and judicial. The balance of power between branches of executive, legislative and judicial rule can run well if the politics of the nation and state takes place democratically, namely democratic democracy led by wisdom in deliberation/representation.
Oleh karena itu, politik berbangsa dan bernegara dijalankan dengan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai yang beradab, bermartabat, dan beretika. Dengan begitu, kata Puan, perjuangan politik memiliki makna membangun peradaban.
"If politics is carried out without values, then the political struggle only contains the interests of themselves, groups, or groups," said the first woman to serve as Chair of the DPR RI.
Puan then touched on the democratic principle conveyed by the founder of Indonesia as well as the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, who was conveyed on June 1, 1945 that Indonesian democracy is a life-giving deliberation, and is able to bring social welfare to all its people.
Furthermore, Puan quoted Sukarno as saying that Indonesia is not one country for one person, not one country for one group.
"But we set up all countries for all, one for all, all for one. All for one, One for All," he said.
Puan then said, a statesman, would think of a country's future that should be better, while politicians would think of a future election result that should be better. A vision without power is said to be in vain and power without an arbitrary vision.
"Therefore, to carry out the practice of power politics, in the presidential government system, with the balance of the branches of power, we need statesmen who are statesmen who are statesmen," explained Puan.
"So that the power of the state is carried out for the greater good, not to raise oneself, groups, or certain interests," continued the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture. On the other hand, Puan stated that democracy also provides space for the people to participate in social control functions, both through mass media, electronic media, social media, NGO work, academic thinking, works of mass organizations, and so on. The goal is that power from the people is used seriously for the benefit of the people.
Puan understands that realizing a true democracy is not an easy way, because it is a difficult path to pass. "Maybe we can stop for a moment, but we must not back down, because our goal is noble, the goal since this country was founded is Indonesia for all, who are independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous," he said.
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