JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya has prepared traffic engineering (traffic) related to the winning parade for the 2024 Paris Olympics which will be held on a number of roads in Jakarta today, Thursday morning, August 15.
"On Thursday 15 August 2024, at 6-10 am there will be a winning parade for the 2024 Paris Olympic medalists," wrote the Instagram account @tmcpoldametro, Thursday, August 15.
The account states that if people are asked to avoid the routes that will be the location for the 2024 Paris Olympics confiscation parade.
"Avoid the route around the parade," he explained.
However, this traffic engineering is situational depending on conditions on the ground.
"Traffic engineering activities are situational in nature," he said.
The Paris 2024 Olympic medal-winning winning parade crosses the route:
1. Youth Gate (start)
2. Ladokgi
3. Gatot Subroto
4. Semanggi
5. Sudirman
6. Thamrin
7. Merdeka Barat
8. State Palace (finish)
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