The Indonesian Navy's Joint Task Force (AL) again thwarted the smuggling of lobster clear seeds (BBL) or fry totaling 284,692 in two places, namely in Riau and East Bekasi, West Java, with a total value of Rp37 billion.

The Commander of the Fleet Command (Pangkoarmada) of the Republic of Indonesia, Vice Admiral TNI Denih Hendrata, explained that the smuggled fry were suspected to be shipped to Singapore and Vietnam.

This BBL smuggling mode is almost the same as drug smuggling. So, the network can be cut off. We can only secure the victims in the field," said Pangkoarmada as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 6.

The Indonesian Navy's Joint Task Force together with the Fleet One Quick Response (F1QR) Team of the Dumai Navy Base (Lanal) started sweeping in several places suspected of being the route for smuggling fry.

As a result, the joint team also stopped a suspicious truck when the transport vehicle passed on Tuesday morning at 00.00 WIB on Jalan Lintas Teluk Meranti-Pulau Muda, Pelalawan Regency, Riau.

From the results of the loading inspection, officers from the Indonesian Navy found 50 boxes of stereofoam containing 1,400 plastic packages of fry. The total number of fry in the cargo was 280,000, all of which were Sand Lobster Bening Seeds.

In not much different time, the Indonesian Navy's Joint Task Force also thwarted the smuggling of fry transported by SUV-type vehicles carrying 4,692 sand and pearl BBLs.

The Indonesian Military Commander emphasized that the Indonesian Navy will continue to assist the government in overseeing the distribution of fry, including thwarting efforts to smuggle these export commodities. He said his staff in the three Indonesian Navy fleets would continue to be aware of smuggling efforts that might continue to occur in the future.

These (suspected) fry will be sent abroad, allegedly to Singapore, and in the end to Vietnam. So, (the smuggling of fry) he jumped frog," said Laksdya Denih Hendrata.

The term frog jump, called Denih, refers to the mode of smuggling of fry sold in a broken system so that if there is a syndicate that regulates illegal actions, it becomes difficult to know. Therefore, the Indonesian Pangkoarmada asked for the active role of the community to participate in supervising and reporting various suspicious movements in the surrounding environment.

lobster fries or clear seeds are one of the high-value export commodities, whose estimated fish price (HPI) can reach IDR 150,000-IDR 200,000 per head. Thus, the estimated state loss that was saved from 284,692 fry that were secured by the Indonesian Navy reached approximately IDR 37 billion.

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