JAKARTA - Israel's airstrike that killed international aid workers in Gaza in April 2024 was the result of a serious but unintentional operational failure, according to an Australian government review of the incident released today.

Three Israeli airstrikes hit a convoy of aid vehicles traveling via Gaza on April 1, killing seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) staff, including Australian team leader Zomi Frankcom.

Palestinians and citizens of the United States, Britain and Poland were also among those killed.

The killing drew widespread criticism from Israeli allies and accusations from several parties about Israel deliberately targeting aid workers. This allegation was denied by Israel.

As reported by Reuters on Friday, August 2, Australia's review of the death said Israel's Defense Forces (IDF) decided to launch a missile into the convoy after erroneously believing the convoy was hijacked by Hamas fighters, who were actually locally contracted security guards.

In addition, information regarding the movement of the WCK convoy has not yet reached the IDF team behind the attack.

This confusion was exacerbated because Israeli officials were unable to communicate directly with the aid convoy, the review added.

IDF staff also violated standard procedures by ordering a second and third attack on the convoy without carrying out any other identification process.

In this incident, it appears that IDF control failed, causing errors in decision-making and misidentification, which is likely to be exacerbated by a confirmation bias level, according to Marshal Mark Binskin, who traveled to Israel to investigate the death.

"Based on the information I got, according to my assessment, the IDF attack on WCK aid workers was unintentional or intentional aimed at toilets," he added.

"Israel's investigation into the death was right on time and, with some exceptions, enough," he said.

Binskin said the family's apology and compensation were important considerations for Israel, but did not recommend Australia to ask for any of Israel.

The IDF has apologized and fired two senior commanders involved in the attack. Three other commanders were formally reprimanded. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the attack was unintentional and tragic.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong said Australia wants those responsible to be held accountable, including criminal charges if necessary.

Wong said he had written a letter to his Israeli counterpart calling for greater protection for humanitarian workers.

"This is not an isolated incident," he said.

"We have seen 250 aid workers killed in this conflict and we have also seen recent events where UN vehicles were fired and it is clear that there is still much to be done," he said.

The family of aid workers killed, Frankcom, called Australia's review an important first step and said they hoped Israel would carry out further investigations followed by appropriate action.

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