YOGYAKARTA Information regarding the iddah period for how long it turns out that in Islam it depends on the condition of women and the cause of divorce. For example, the woman who was divorced by the previous couple was three months with a record that she was not pregnant. To find out more complete information, see the following article.
Reporting from NU Online, the iddah period is a waiting period for women to be able to remarry after separating from their husbands. In Islam, the length of time of iddah depends on the condition of the woman when divorced and the cause of her divorce.
A woman is not allowed to remarry if she has not passed her iddah period. After passing the iddah period, then he can remarry.
The calculation of the iddah period itself is adjusted to various conditions. The following are the condition of divorce and the iddah period that has been determined in Islam.
The waiting period for a woman who is divorced to die but pregnant is until she gives birth to her baby. After the baby is born, the woman left behind by her husband can remarry. This means that the waiting period can vary, it can be in a matter of days, weeks, and even months.
A woman who is widowed because her husband has died but is not pregnant, then her period is 4 months and 10 days. This is also mentioned in the Al-Quran letter of al-Baqarah which means as follows.
The people who died among you by leaving their wives (the wives) suspended themselves (beri'iddah) four months ten days, "in QS al-Baqarah [2]: 234).
Divorce is a divorce from life. The waiting period for the woman whose husband is divorced in a pregnant condition is the same as the marriage period for a woman who is divorced.
Women who have divorced their husbands, not pregnant, have had sex, and have menstruated, have to wait for the waiting period before being able to remarry. The waiting period for this condition in Islam is three qurus or what the al-Syafi i ulama mean with a holy period. This means that women must go through three times the holy term before they can remarry.
For women who are divorced from life but not pregnant, have had sex, and have not had a menstrual period or have been optimistic, the waiting period is three months.
For a woman who has been married and then divorced and has never had sex with her husband in a previous marriage, she does not have an iddah period. This means that she can remarry at any time after the divorce decision is issued.
That's the information regarding how long the iddah period is. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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