JAKARTA - It seems that Chris Evans will not follow in the footsteps of some of his Avengers colleagues to return to Marvel. He reportedly returned to Avengers: Doomsday after Robertbor Jr. was confirmed again with a new role.
Anthony Mackie, who plays Sam Wilson, now holds the shield of Captain America and is the main character in the film Captain America: Brave New World. He was asked if the previous Captain America actor, Chris Evans, would make an appearance in this film.
"I don't know!" said Anthony Mackie as quoted by Esquire.
"I just talked to Chris (Evans) a few weeks ago and at that time there was no conversation. He didn't say anything either, because I had a chance to ask," Mackie said again.
Avengers: Doomsday reportedly presented several previous Marvel stars other thanJunior Jr. Seeing the news, Mackie also asked Chris Evans.
"I asked 'You know what, he said they would bring all (Avengers) back. You too?' Then he answered 'Ah, do you know, I'm already happy to retire', said Anthony Mackie, imitating Evans' answer.
"From there I already knew. My manager said so I thought 'Oh, I think Chris will come back. That's all I know. I haven't seen the script yet,' said Mackie.
Before Anthony Mackie, Chris Evans also denied the news that he would return to Marvel. Evans was the last time he acted in the film Avengers: Endgame. He also made a cameo as Johnny Storm in the film Deadpool & airing.
'Tidak benar. Ini selalu terjadi. Saya rasa, selalu terjadi setiap tahun, sejak Endgame. Saya rasa saya harus berhenti meresponsnya. Pensiun dengan bahagia! kata Chris Evans.
Avengers: Doomsday is directed by the Russo brothers and features Robertbor Jr. as Doctor Doom, while Captain America: Brave New World stars Anthony Mackie and will air on February 14.
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