YOGYAKARTA Building trust is so difficult, because once your partner feels disappointed or hurt, it takes effort to believe it again. Even without being disappointed, trust in a couple relationship still needs to be maintained and built. Why is trust in a partner relationship important and what can strengthen trust? Here, a non-verbal signal that can be practiced in strengthening relationships with your partner.
Maintaining eye contact can show that you are involved and present in conversations. It can also be one of the techniques to build trust, especially indicating honesty and openness. When you and your partner look into each other's eyes, it shows that you are not hiding anything and focusing on the talks. This makes your partner feel valued and respected.
Open body language invites and can make And partners feel more comfortable and connected to you. But avoid crossing your hands or turning away from your partner during interaction. On the other hand, look at your partner but with a relaxed posture. This body language indicates an open mind and accepts his feelings so that trust is stronger.
Soft touch can communicate support and certainty. Sign the body language by gently touching your partner, often useful in building trust. This can be done by wiping your partner's back, giving a warm hug, or a convincing touch on the arm. This action shows concern and commitment and makes your partner feel safe and loved.
Being a good listener, you need to be trained. Because if you are not used to it, a person could only be a passive listener, not proactive and respond to the words wisely. Listening with care is also very important in building trust. This can be seen through body posture, nodding head when the interlocutor talks, reacts appropriately, and engages in talks. According to research reported by Marriage, Friday, January 31, listening with full attention is associated with higher relationship satisfaction.
A consistent behavior over time is one of the most effective trust-building strategies. Your partner feels safe when your actions are in line with what is said. It also reassures your partner that you are reliable.
Because trust is the foundation in every strong relationship, a nonverbal signal that strengthens the above relationship needs to be familiarized in everyday life.
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