JAKARTA - Secretary General (Secretary General) of the NasDem Party Hermawi Taslim, denied that the Chairman of Commission IX of the DPR RI, Felly Estelita Runtuwene, had been fired from the NasDem Party through the Party Court. Hermawi emphasized that currently Felly Runtuwene is still a NasDem cadre who sits as a member of the DPR RI for the 2019-2024 period. Even being a member of the DPR RI elected 2024-2029 from the electoral district of North Sulawesi (North Sulawesi). According to Hermawi, the NasDem DPP administrator has never seen the SK circulating regarding the decision of the NasDem Party Court to fire Felly. "That is also the right choice in the party's AD-ART. If we have read it, and if it is true the decision of the Party Court, we will have a meeting and will be informed," said Hermawi when confirmed, Friday, August 2. The decision that is circulated and has gone viral is already revoked KTA and all kinds (not true, red)," he continued. Hermawi emphasized that he was entitled to dismiss only the NasDem DPP. Even so, he said, after going through the process in the DPP. "For your information, the one who has the right to revoke the KTA of someone in the NasDem Party is the NasDem Party DPP. After the person is summoned, invited, clarified, and the party is given the opportunity to defend himself,' he said. There is not a single application in the Party Court to dismiss people,' added Hermawi.
Nemmawi then stated that until now the NasDem Party still refers to the KPU's decision regarding the list of candidates for the DPR RI which was ratified by the KPU. Felly, he said, still has the status of a elected member of the DPR from the North Sulawesi electoral district. "So far, the North Sulawesi electoral district has become Felly Runtuwene. I ask for this to be quoted correctly," he said again.
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