JAKARTA - The VI National Conference of the Muslim Association of Hajj and Umrah Organizers of the Republic of Indonesia (AMPHURI), which took place at the Pullman Hotel Bandung Grand Central, again chose Firman Muhammad Nur as General Chair for the period 1446H-1450H/2024-2028. In this National Conference, AMPHURI for the first time implemented an e-voting system, a step forward in the election of the General Chair.

Firman M Nur received 187 votes out of a total of 336 votes, while his competitor, Muhammad Farid Aljawi, received 146 votes, and three abstention votes. "Alhamdulillah, thank you for the trust given by this member in the National Conference VI to return to service in the next four years," said Firman in a written statement received by VOI 1 August.

Munas VI, which was opened by the Director General of PHU of the Ministry of Religion, Hilman Latief, marks the first time AMPHURI has used an e-voting system. This system was developed by the IT AMPHURI team and used electronic devices and digital information for voting. "The democratic party in AMPHURI is running smoothly and innovatively with e-voting, maybe only AMPHURI uses this system," said Firman.

With the e-voting, the electoral process becomes faster and more efficient, taking only a few minutes. "This e-voting system allows us to find out the results in minutes, less than a quarter of an hour," he added.

In addition to choosing the General Chair, Munas VI also chose the Chairperson of the Advisory Board (KDP) and the Chairman of the Honorary Council (KDK). Cheppy Wahyu Hidayat (Jasa Wisata Nusantara) was elected by acclamation as KDP, as well as Zaenal Abidin (Andromeda Atria Wisata) who was elected as KDK.

The formatur team consisting of five people has been appointed to arrange for the management of the AMPHURI DPP for the 1446-1450H term of service. This team includes the General Chair, KDP, KDK, as well as two additional members, Bungsu A Sumawijaya (Indah Wisata) and Muhammad Sufyan Arief (Al Multazam Utama Nusantara).

In the series of VI National Conferences, AMPHURI also held the AMPHURI International Business Forum (AIBF) 2024, which was attended by 20 exhibitors from within and outside the country. AIBF is a business forum between strategic partners and 649 owners of the travel agency that organizes Special Hajj (PIHK) and Umrah Worship Organizers (PPIU) members of AMPHURI.

The day before the National Conference, a public discussion was held with the theme "What's the News of the Amendment to Law No. 8 of 2019?". This discussion presented speakers such as the Director General of PHU at the Ministry of Religion Hilman Latif, Member of the DPR-RI Sodik Mudjahid, and Chancellor of UIN Walisongo Semarang Prof. Nizar M. Ag., as well as General Chairperson of AMPHURI Firman M Nur. The discussion resulted in recommendations for strengthening the hajj and umrah ecosystem as well as protecting the business world.

In addition to re-electing Firman Muhammad Nur as General Chair, the VI AMFURI National Conference in Bandung has also set an action plan for the next four years as well as recommendations for the development of the special Hajj and Umrah travel industry sector.

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