SAMARINDA - The Samarinda City Government followed up on protests from students' parents regarding the sale and purchase of school books by forming an investigation team to anticipate the practice of commercialization in the educational environment.
"This investigative team investigates the correctness of information reported by parents regarding the practice of buying and selling at unreasonable prices," said Samarinda City Government Assistant I Ridwan Tassa, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 1.
The polemic regarding the alleged practice of buying and selling books in several schools in Samarinda continues. The protests carried out by dozens of parents in the last few days have finally received a serious response from the Samarinda City Government.
"The education investigation team will immediately go to the field to conduct inspections in all schools," he said.
Ridwan explained that the information provided by parents of students would be the main reference for the investigation team.
"We are committed to creating a conducive and free educational environment from practices that harm the community," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) of the Original Samarinda, Nuryudin, emphasized that his party would continue to take firm action against schools that were proven to practice buying and selling books. "We will take firm action in accordance with applicable regulations if it is proven," he said.
The coordinator of the demonstration representing Nina' parents expressed his disappointment with the practice of buying and selling books that occurred in several schools. According to him, many students were victims of this practice.
"Our children are intimidated and ostracized just for not buying books," he complained.
Nina also highlighted the high price of books that must be purchased by parents of students every year. According to her, book prices continue to rise every year, while the quality does not always increase.
Through their protests, parents demanded that the Samarinda City Government immediately take firm action against schools that practice buying and selling books. In addition, they also asked that book prices be reduced so as not to burden the community.
After holding a demonstration, representatives of parents were finally invited to hold an audience with the Samarinda City Government. During the hearing, both parties discussed solutions to overcome the ongoing problems.
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