JAKARTA - The case of the death of a parking attendant, named Irvan (45) after a duel with a gallon intermediary named Haidar (46) in front of a coffee shop, Jalan Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, continues to be the talk of local residents.

Reza, a parking attendant, said that the perpetrator was a quiet person. Meanwhile, the victim, Irvan, is known to be a person who often looks for problems with other people.

"The victim was noisy (often looking for trouble), even 3 days ago, he was noisy with my friend. The problem is just looking around, continuing to make noise. If the perpetrator is quiet, "said Reza when met at the location, Friday, July 19.

Nevertheless, Reza admitted that he did not know further when there was a commotion. Reza admitted that he only saw that the victim was lying down and had died.

"I didn't see it, I just saw when he was shaking. At that time the perpetrator cried, he didn't run away. It was like regretting his actions," he said.

The same thing was said, Ismail, Alfamart parking attendant. He said the victim was a person who often looked for problems with other people.

Ismail explained that prior to the fight, the victim and the alleged perpetrator had an argument. However, he did not know what caused the fight.

"I think he's often (corruption), but we also don't know what the problem is," he said.

Irvan died after a duel with his brother, Haidar in front of a coffee shop in the Pondok Pinang area, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, Thursday, July 18, at 14.00 WIB.

The alleged perpetrator has now been detained at the Kebayoran Lama Police, to find out the motive for the fight.

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