JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) promised to appoint 1,709 lecturers with Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) from 35 New State Universities (PTNB) to State Civil Apparatus (ASN) before the inauguration of the new government. "Asked my friends before Pak Jokowi changed to Pak Prabowo, as a gift he was all PPPKs who could become civil servants. Well, that's what we are fighting for. "Friends," said the Director of Resources of the Directorate General of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture Lukman in an audience with the Cross-Employment Association of New State Universities Employees (ILP-PTNB) at the Kemendikbudristek Building, Central Jakarta on Thursday. He explained that his party is currently speeding up technical matters, ranging from collecting various documents to verifying the data of each lecturer in order to speed up the process of appointing the thousands of PPPK lecturers who have been delayed for several years. In addition, Lukman also said that the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, had held an audience with PANRB Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas and the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) a few days earlier to discuss the governance of teacher and lecturer career development, including the fate of educators with PPPK status at the private campus who have now switched to become a public campus. However, he admits that the transfer of contract lecturer status to civil servant does require a process which was not short. This is because the appointment of thousands of PPPK lecturers will require discretion that has been approved first by the two ministries and one government institution to propose the cancellation of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 10 of 2016 concerning Lecturers and Education Personnel at the New State University. "Well, of course, this struggle cannot be done by the Ministry of Education and Culture itself, there is KemenPANRB, there is BKN and the most important thing is that earlier all of this must be done. through the name of the Presidential Decree, the President, therefore there needs to be a special discretion, "he added. Therefore, Lukman asked each lecturer to entrust and at the same time oversee the process of appointing their PPPK status as civil servants to his party. Before the hearing took place, around 300 lecturers with PPK status had already conveyed their aspirations in front of the Kemendikbudristek office since 09.00 WIB.

They are representatives of 35 campuses with PTNB status that urge the Ministry of Education and Culture to immediately complete the transfer of the PPPK lecturer status to PNS. Secretary General of ILP-PTNB Umar said there were thousands of educators and lecturers at PTNB who were still PPPK status even though they had served for years because the government had not appointed him as a civil servant. Umar explained that the fate of the PPPK lecturer was very concerning in the last two years. They could not be promoted, they could not be assigned to learn, even the rank of some of them was actually lowered. "As an example, I am already a doctor (S3), but in the PPPK Decree it is only a master's degree," he explained. The lecturer from the University of West Sulawesi claimed to already have an lectoral title. However, the campus has suddenly lowered Umar's rank to become an expert assistant for no apparent reason. "Then, when I wanted to be promoted, it was detained," he said. According to him, some PPPK lecturers have served on campus for 14 years. During that time, they have complained to the National Human Rights Commission and Commission X of the DPR RI in charge of education affairs. However, the thousands of PPPK lecturers have not also received the decree of appointment to become civil servants to this day.

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