The discovery of the body of a woman with the initials YY in the bathroom in an indecoth in the Cipayung area, East Jakarta, is still under investigation by the Cipayung Police on Wednesday, July 3.

However, according to the testimony of a resident with the initials T, on Sunday, he saw someone getting out of a car carrying a large suitcase. Then the person entered the alley towards the crime scene (TKP).

"That's why, when people said there was a corpse we were shocked. It happened on Sunday when people got out of the car carrying a large suitcase to the boarding houses. I didn't know if there was a body in the suitcase or there was an unpleasant odor," said T local residents to reporters at the scene, Tuesday night, July 2nd.

T also said that the person carrying the large suitcase was also caught on CCTV cameras.

"On CCTV, it must also be seen. One person was carrying a suitcase, but there was a friend behind him. From the 4A mosque alley. From the mosque's CCTV, it can be seen," he admitted.

T further said that the large suitcase was black. Meanwhile, the person who brought the large suitcase has the characteristics of a bald head.

"There are no special characteristics. But indeed the Arab (his friend) also brought a suitcase. The boarding house was for one person, only two months of contract. He said he wanted to move too," he said.

When found, the woman's body was in the bathroom in the boarding house where she lived. The victim's body condition was swollen.

Currently, the victim's body has been taken to the Kramatjati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, for an autopsy. Meanwhile, the case is still being handled by the Cipayung Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cipayung Police, AKP Hotman Sinaga, confirmed that there were witnesses who saw someone bringing a suitcase into the boarding houses.

"Some saw people in with suitcases, only they were in the boarding houses. The suitcase was brought back with the person, so there was a witness who stated that people were carrying suitcases. But the witness saw it, we can't conclude, today he has just been autopsied. signs from outside there has been no violence," said AKP Hotman to reporters, Wednesday, July 3.

Kanit confirmed that the discovery of the body was first discovered that the victim was in the bathroom in the boarding house where he lived.

"Mayat, yes in the bathroom. The boarding houses had a bathroom inside and found a corpse," he said.

AKP Hotman also said that earlier on Sunday, June 30 at around 12 noon, there were (residents) who saw that their girlfriend was a foreign national (WNA) entering the boarding house carrying a suitcase.

"But in fact, we can prove that it was the corpse that was brought. (The victim's body) In the bathroom, not in the suitcase, there was no suitcase. Only someone saw it and CCTV was also visible," he said.

The body of the victim with the initials Y was found on Tuesday, July 2. The initial discovery was around 18.00 WIB.

"Last night, at 6 o'clock we wanted Maghrib. Not yet, nothing, it cannot be concluded (injuries from outside the victim's body). Regarding the suitcase, we have not been able to conclude that it was a corpse that was brought. It only rots, right from Sunday," he explained.

Although the case is under investigation, the Cipayung Police Criminal Investigation Unit is still suspecting a criminal case from the discovery of the body, based on CCTV footage and witness testimony.

"There are indications there based on witness testimony, yes, because the perpetrator is still abroad. Still investigating. (Foreigners in CCTV footage will be examined) Definitely," he concluded.

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