The West Sumatra Regional Police (West Sumatra) stated that the investigation into the case of the death of a junior high school student in Kuranji, Padang is still ongoing.

This was conveyed directly by the Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Police, Kombes Dwi Sulistyawan, during a press conference in Padang, Tuesday, July 2.

"We need to straighten out information that from the growing issues, it is said that the West Sumatra Police have stopped the case, that is not true, the investigation is still ongoing," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

He said that based on the information from the Kapolda Inspector General Suharyono, it was previously stated that the police were continuing their investigation in order to uncover the case.

He said the facts about the investigation into Afif Maulana's death continued to roll out to look for new evidence, the Padang Police also did the same thing.

From the interim investigation, the police have examined three witnesses regarding the death of the 13-year-old teenager. One witness is a friend of the victim who is a key witness, and two of the Sabhara members of the West Sumatra Police.

According to the three people, Afif did invite the key witness to jump off the bridge so as not to be caught by the police who were taking action to prevent brawls at the time of the incident.

Key witnesses also briefly told their friends (Afif) they jumped from the bridge. But the police at that time couldn't believe anyone was desperate to jump off a bridge with a height of about 12 meters.

"The investigation is still ongoing, we will convey every latest developments to the public as evidence that we are transparently investigating this case," he explained.

This case is related to the discovery of a corpse on the surface of the river under the Kuranji Bridge at around 11.55 WIB on Sunday (9/6).

The victim's body, which was found by residents as an eye witness, was then reported to the Kuranji Sector Police Station (Polsek).

Based on this information, the police immediately went to the location and conducted further investigations.

At the time of the incident before the victim's body was found, initially there was friction between a group of motorbikes and the police who were carrying out their duties.

At that time a group of young people were in a convoy on the road using motorbikes while carrying sharp weapons.

West Sumatra Police personnel who saw the incident immediately approached to disperse, as well as secured the perpetrators because they were taken down to anticipate the brawl that was rampant in Padang. The police arrested dozens of perpetrators, dozens of sharp weapons scattered in the location, including the motorbike belonging to the victim Afif Maulana driven by his friend.

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