JAKARTA - The police finally arrested two snatchers who went viral while in action in car free day (CFD) Sudirman, Central Jakarta, Sunday, June 16. One of them is said to have disguised himself as a monkey masker to avoid being chased by the police.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said the two robbers had the initials U and MR. They were arrested at different locations.

"The suspect who was caught on camera and social media was immediately caught by his name, brother U, was immediately caught by the Resmob team of the Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya," Ade told reporters, Tuesday, July 2.

Meanwhile, the suspect MR is said to have been arrested in the Jampang Kulon area, Sukabumi, on July 1, early in the morning.

The arrest of MR was admitted that it took quite a long time. This is because the suspect often moves from hiding places.

In fact, the suspect MR had disguised himself as a monkey masker. The goal, so that his whereabouts are not known to the police.

Nevertheless, armed with the clues they have, the police can still arrest him to account for his actions.

"MR is the last profession or disguised as a monkey masker," said Ade.

In this case, the two perpetrators of robbery were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with weights which carries a maximum penalty of 9 years in prison.

The two robbers had gone viral after a photo showing their action was uploaded to the @zakwanoe account. It was seen that there were two people riding together who recently took the runner's belongings.

"This morning, Sunday, June 16, 2024, there was a robbery at CFD Jakarta. The face of the perpetrator was caught on a photographer's camera," he tweeted.

'Plat B3983 PFB Beat Sporty. Photos can be obtained from forward from group running. Maybe anyone knows?' continued the account @zakwanoe.

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