JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said he would postpone the registration schedule for the selection of prospective civil servants (CPNS) or prospective state civil servants (CASN) 2024.

Azwar said that the opening of the 2024 CPNS selection, which was previously scheduled to open in June or July 2024, will be postponed between July or August 2024.

"July-August, yes," said Azwar at the Jakarta Presidential Palace, Monday, July 1.

Azwar explained that the opening of the 2024 CPNS selection was postponed, because many ministries/agencies did not propose formations to meet the quota provided by the Ministry of PANRB.

He gave an example, the PANRB Ministry provided a formation quota of more than 200,000. However, the formation proposed by the ministry/institution has only reached 130,341.

"Regarding this CPNS, it relates to proposals from ministries/agencies. For example, the central ministry/institution has received a fresh graduate quota of more than 200,000, but until now, the final proposed ministry/institution is not up to 200,000, namely a total of only 130,341 proposed. This is what causes us to wait because the formation we provide is not proposed by the ministries/agencies or local governments," he explained.

In addition, said Azwar Anas, the quota is not full, it also occurs in the formation of new graduates or fresh graduate requested by the Kemenpan RB.

The selection schedule for CASN 2024, including CPNS and PPPK, was previously said to have resigned, from June to July 2024. However, entering July 1, 2024, there are no signs that the selection will be opened.

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