TANGERANG One of the employees at PT Jati Jaya at the Sunrise warehouse, Kuta Jaya Village, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency, was found dead. The victim with the initials S is suspected of being a murder victim.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang Police, Kompol Arief Nazaruddin Yusuf, said the incident occurred on Tuesday, June 22.

The victim was found when the warehouse owner, Raden entered. While in the warehouse, Raden saw a lot of bloodstains on the floor.

Not far from the bloodstains, the witness saw a tarp tied with a rope. After checking, the tarp contains the victim's body.

"The victim's body is face down, wearing a blue uniform and tied with a rope and wrapped in a tarpaulin," said Arief in his statement, Monday, July 1.

Based on these findings, the witness reported it to the police. The police who received the report went directly to the crime scene (TKP).

Furthermore, the police conducted an investigation, while the victim was taken to the Balaraja Hospital for further investigation.

"The results of the TKP identification and processing in this case refer to victims of violence and robbery. Because, in part of the victim's body there were signs of violence due to blunt objects, and coupled with the loss of two cars at the scene," he said

"Knowing that one unit R4 (mmbil) of Daihatsu Luxio type, silver Metalik color, which is parked in a warehouse and one unit of R4 type Suzuki Pick Up, black color, belonging to the warehouse owner is gone," he continued.

Two days later the police managed to reveal the whereabouts of the perpetrators who were identified through surveillance cameras or CCTV.

Arief said the suspect RR was arrested in Selalapanjang, Neglasari District, Tangerang City. The suspect admitted that he had killed S using 2.5 kilograms of iron.

The victim's head was hit, causing S to die at the scene.

"This case will be officially released by the Tangerang Police Chief," said Arief.

For his actions, RR was charged with multiple articles, namely Article 365 of the Criminal Code and/or crimes against the soul of a person under Article 338 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 340 of the Criminal Code with the threat of the death penalty or life imprisonment.

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