TANGERANG Separately from the alleged fraud and embezzlement case committed by Muhammad Dian Permana (27), the head of the 2024 Lentera Festival music concert committee. The police have not yet arrested the perpetrators of arson and looting by concert visitors at Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency.

"No one has been secured. It is an act that is currently in the process of examining all of them," said Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang Police, Ipda Jaenudin, Wednesday, June 26, evening.

According to Jaenudin, his party is currently still focused by digging further information against the chairman of the 2024 Lantern Festival Tangerang (TNG Lenfest) committee Muhammad Dian Permana.

"We are still investigating the information of the alleged perpetrator. Starting from the money that was taken away, we are compiling it. Plus we are still examining the victims, to find out how much they are," he explained.

Jaenudin explained that his party had opened a complaint post for concert victims who felt aggrieved by the case.

"We opened a complaint post for concert audiences who felt aggrieved. We opened the post at the Tangerang Police and the Pasar Kemis Police," he said.

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