TANGERANG - A woman named Ralin admitted to being deceived by the head of the music concert committee for the 2024 Tangerang Lentera Festival (TNG Lenfest) Muhammad Dian Permana (27). The amount of loss suffered by Ralin reached Rp12 million.

Ralin admitted that his involvement in the music concert was a media partner for the show. Because one of the bands he invited, namely NDX AKA, was to fill in the 2024 TNG Lenfest music event. The band is believed to be able to bring the crowd who will buy tickets.

"We are here to promote events to commodities, to social media and also promote tickets that are traded. For example, from them (the committee) asking for promotions like this, date like this. Then on this date I have promoted, I have helped sell tickets, a total of 105 tickets are worth Rp. 12 million, "said Ralin when met at the Pasar Kemis Police, Wednesday night, June 26.

After many tickets were sold, it turned out that the event was not going well as expected. There were no guest stars, not even the committee could not be contacted. Worse, the committee reportedly fled.

Still, Ralin said, he was not the only victim of fraud at the 2024 TNG Lenfest music show. There are still many other victims who are also deceived.

"There is a friend of mine. He can sell 370 tickets. Basically, everything we collect here sells 700 tickets. If we nominate IDR 70 million," he said.

Ralin assessed that the way Muhammad Dian Permana did was quite clever. Because, they promised that if this concert would run smoothly, he would return the money if something unexpected happened.

"We are believed that this event will not fail, it is safe and he is ready for capital. He believes so. One of the committees said 'we are ready, ready, the capital is already there. But in fact, we are also victims who were lied to by the committee,' I'm Ralin.

After the concert ended in chaos, representatives from the committee to this day have not contacted Ralin.

Ralin admitted that he was annoyed and decided to make a report to the Pasar Kemis Police so that this case could be investigated thoroughly and the money was returned.

"He's just sorry, he doesn't exist. He lost (lost) contact, even blocked. That's why I came here to ask for clarity, I wanted my money back. Because I was billed by the one who bought the ticket," he said.

Sunday, June 23, the Tangerang Lentera Festival 2024 (TNG Lenfest) music concert was held. But unfortunately there was no performer at the event. This made the audience disappointed and angry, causing the stage to burn.

Muhammad Dian Permana (27) as chairman of the committee fled, although he was finally arrested in Banten.

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