JAKARTA - Political parties in the Forward Indonesia Coalition (KIM) will hold a meeting to discuss candidates for governor and deputy governor in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. Secretary General of PAN Eddy Soeparno said the meeting would be held in the near future. "The party leaders regularly meet, but I think in the near future there will be more special discussions because (Pilkada) the closer it is for us to decide," said Eddy at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 26. It is known that KIM has not yet received a single vote to carry Ridwan Kamil in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. Because the Golkar Party is still considering RK running again in the West Java gubernatorial election. Eddy said that the sooner KIM decided the Jakarta cagub and cawagub would be better. Because KIM's political parties, namely PAN, Golkar, Democrats and Gerindra have plenty of time to socialize Paslon. "But it doesn't mean that we are in a hurry, we are pressed to decide which we consider to have a rather tough chance of winning the fight," said Eddy. Eddy hopes that the name of the cagub will be pocketed by KIM in July. However, he said, there was no deadline for KIM to immediately determine the Paslon. "Hopefully (July). (But) If given a deadline, I think this is called a process and a political dialogue cannot be given a time limit, so we also want if we can immediately submit a definitive name," said Eddy. Regarding the candidate pair declaration scheme, Eddy ensured that each political party would announce the cagub and cawagub carried in the 2024 Pilkada itself. As stated in the declaration of support for Khofifah-Emil Dardak for the East Java gubernatorial election.
"That's technical, but as is known, KIM has agreed to support Khofifah's mother in East Java, and it is not done collectively but done individually," he concluded.

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