JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) and PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk through its subsidiary, PT Krakatau Bandar Samudera (KBS), have collaborated to develop natural gas markets and infrastructure in the port area.

In this collaboration, PGN and KBS will develop LNG landbase infrastructure which includes regasification facilities, bunkering, and other supporting infrastructure at Cigading 1 Terminal and Cigading 2 Terminal, Cilegon, Banten.

President Director of PGN, Arief Setiawan Handoko explained, this area is considered strategic because it already has a natural gas pipeline network so that the potential for natural gas absorption is greater. It is hoped that the absorption of labor and local economic growth will be more optimal.

For the Cilegon area itself, PGN has served more than 10,000 household, commercial and industrial customers, with gas absorption reaching 54 BBTUD.

"We hope that this collaboration can be realized immediately in a more concrete stage, thus providing long-term benefits for both parties," he said, Friday, March 14.

He continued, the use of ports for the construction of landbase LNG is very potential and necessary, given the need for LNG to meet gas supply to areas far from the pipeline network.

Arief said that currently the need for natural gas in Indonesia, especially in Java, is quite high. However, the fulfillment of gas needs in some areas cannot always be done through pipelines, but uses other modes such as LNG.

Meanwhile, President Director of Karakatau Steel Muhamad Akbar Djohan said, PGN and Krakatau Steel have a long synergy history, including in the use of Krakatau Steel steel products for gas pipeline infrastructure.

In this project, he said, PGN is also committed to increasing the Domestic Content Level (TKDN) by prioritizing the use of domestic products.

Sinergi ini juga merupakan implementasi dari Asta Cita, yang bertujuan untuk mencapai ketahanan energi nasional yang mandiri. Untuk itu, kami siap menyediakan fasilitas kepabuhanan untuk kebutuhan LNG yang dikelola oleh PGN, tandas Akbar.

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