JAKARTA Bank Indonesia (BI) mengungkap layanan Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard Tanpa Scan (QRIS Tap) telah resmi diluncurkan namun saat ini hanya dapat digunakan dalam perangkat gawai atau smartphone Android.
Head of the BI Payment System Policy Department Dicky Kartikoyono explained the device or Android smartphone because the system is open.
Meanwhile, Dicky said that QRIS Tap services cannot be used on devices or iPhone smartphones because they have exclusive access.
"The cellphone that can be used now is an Android cellphone. I need to convey it, because it can be said that Android access is opened. It can be for all mobile phone brands. Meanwhile, if Apple is exclusive," he explained at the QRIS Tap Media Taklimat event at the BI Office, Friday, March 14.
Dicky explained, to use the QRIS Tap service the device or smartphone used must have the Near Field Communication (NFC) feature.
According to him, Bank Indonesia has opened communication to Apple so that QRIS Tap can be used in its electronic products.
"I went to Singapore (to build a relationship with Apple so I could use QRIS Tap)," he said.
As for now, infrastructure to support QRIS Tap transactions continues to be expanded by utilizing available NFC devices.
Based on data from Bank Indonesia, there are 1,081,543 EDC, reader, and POS contactless devices ready for use, with details of 720,937 EDC units, 86,369 reader units, and 274,237 POS units.
The supply of NFC devices is carried out in two ways, namely over the air (OTA) and on-site deployment, with the approval of each merchant.
Dicky explained that QRIS Tap is a combination of QRIS Customer Presented Mode (CPM) and NFC technology so that with this technology, the payment process becomes faster because the system uses radio frequency reading, no longer relying on cameras to scan QR codes.
"Now we are turning back, first open the mobile banking, remove the QR. The QR is read out by a reader machine that has NFC technology, Near Field Communication. What reads is not a camera, but Near Field Communication," he said.
Dicky said that the chip based electronic money took 4 to 5 seconds to detect, but QRIS Tap only took 0.3 seconds.
By using QRIS Tap, users no longer need to scan (scan) codes like in conventional QRIS so that it is enough to open a mobile banking application or other payment applications, select the QRIS menu, then select the QRIS Tap feature and source funds.
After that, users only need to enter a transaction PIN to complete the payment.
The source of the transaction funds comes from savings accounts, credit facilities, and server-based electronic money from payment service providers that support QRIS Tap.
Dicky added that then the device only needs to be brought closer or attached to the contactless terminal at the merchant.
"It's very fast. If it's used in transportation, it reduces the queue," he said.
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