TANGERANG - The City Government (Pemkot) of South Tangerang (Tangsel) pays attention to the circulation of online gambling which is busy among the public and government workers.

Head of the Tangerang City Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) Jatmiko said he would impose disciplinary sanctions on the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) if they were proven to be involved in online gambling.

This is also stated in the 2017 Mayor Regulation (Perwal) concerning the ASN Code of Ethics within the Tangerang City Government.

"It will impose strict sanctions on ASN who are involved in online gambling," said Jatmiko in his statement, Monday, June 24.

Furthermore, the Tangerang City BKPSDM continues to supervise, so that Tangerang City ASN is not trapped in online gambling. Starting from monitoring and reporting with the head of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) who carries out inherent coaching as a superior.

"Our actions will impose disciplinary penalties for ASN online gambling actors. Both through the imposition of moderate disciplinary penalties to severe discipline," he said

However, Jatmiko said that until now the steps to monitor ASN within the Tangerang City Government had not been found any workers playing Judol.

"Until now in Tangerang City there have been no reports regarding the existence of ASN who are trapped in online gambling. Thank God there has been no report," he said.

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