JAKARTA - In addition to evidence of methamphetamine purchase transactions carried out by suspects B alias BGS and Virgoun, the West Jakarta Metro Police also found other evidence belonging to the suspect BGS, the Virgoun crew.

"During a search of his house, we found several bags used for the use of synthetic narcotics," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes M Syahduddi, accompanied by the Head of Narcotics Unit AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga, Monday, June 24.

Suspect B alias BGS is listed as one of the crew of the musician band Virgoun alias VTP.

"Suspect B alias BGS also admitted that he was an active narcotics addict of the sinte type," he said.

In addition, BGS also admitted that he had given methamphetamine to musicians Virgoun alias VTP several times.

The West Jakarta Metro Police arrested BGS as a supplier of crystal methamphetamine on Monday, June 24. BGS acts as a provider of methamphetamine given to Inara Rusli's ex-husband.

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