JAKARTA - Member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PDI-P (PDIP) faction, Hardiyanto Kenneth, highlighted that a number of problems experienced by the people of Jakarta have not been resolved by Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono in the middle of the celebration of the 497th anniversary of DKI Jakarta.

According to Kenneth, there are a number of aspects that can be optimized by Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono in solving problems in Jakarta given the existence of Law Number 2 of 2024 concerning the Special Capital Region of Jakarta.

Kenneth assessed that Heru Budi had five points to pay attention to, including:

1. Slow Flood Handling

The man who is familiarly called Bang Kent assessed that the river normalization program and drainage management did not run optimally. Kenneth criticized the slow dredging of rivers and the development of flood management infrastructure.

"Residents often feel the direct impact of flooding that disrupts daily activities and damages property. Many feel that the government is less responsive in dealing with annual floods," Kenneth said in his statement, Saturday, June 22.

2. Traffic Congestion

Chairman of IKAL PPRA LXII Lemhannas RI stated that transportation policies have not been effective in reducing congestion. The implementation of the mass transportation program still needs to be improved.

"Congestion that has not been resolved has forced residents to spend a lot of time on the road. They want a more real and fast solution," he said.

3. Uneven Public Service

This PDIP politician highlighted that the distribution of public services, especially in the fields of health and education, is still not evenly distributed. Facilities in some areas are still inadequate.

"Many residents have complained about the difficulty of accessing quality health services and proper education, especially in densely populated and suburban areas," he explained.

4. Waste and Environmental Management

According to Kenneth, the waste management program is not yet optimal. Handling waste and maintaining environmental hygiene is still a serious problem.

"Residents often find piled up garbage and dirty environments, which reduce comfort and quality of life in Jakarta," he said.

5. Housing and Settlements Kumuh

Kenneth assessed that the housing program for low-income residents has not yet reached the target. The revitalization of slum settlements has not shown significant results.

"Many residents who live in slums feel that they have not received sufficient attention from the government in terms of providing proper housing," he said.

Optimization of Law Number 2 of 2024

To make Jakarta a global habitable city after it is no longer the capital, Acting Governor Heru Budi needs to optimize several important aspects of Law Number 2 of 2024:

1. Infrastructure and Transportation

The DKI Provincial Government needs to develop public transportation. Increase the reach and quality of public transportation such as MRT, LRT, and TransJakarta buses.

In addition, traffic management also needs to be a concern. Implement a sophisticated traffic management system to reduce congestion.

2. Control of Floods and Environmental Management

The next thing that needs to be paid attention to is river normalization. Continuing the river normalization program and repairing drainage.

The same thing needs to be done in waste management. Building a more modern and efficient waste management infrastructure.

3. Public Service and Social Welfare

The provincial government also needs to improve health and education services. Build more health and education facilities, and improve service quality.

Integrated services to improve access and efficiency of public services by utilizing digital technology.

4. Economic Empowerment and MSMEs

Support for MSMEs can be done by the Provincial Government by providing training, capital assistance, and market access for MSMEs to encourage local economic growth.

Jakarta residents also need new jobs. Attractive investment to create quality new jobs.

5. Revitalization of Kumuh Settlements

Housing programs need to be boosted. Building affordable housing for low-income residents and revitalizing slum areas.

"The criticism of the Acting Governor Heru Budi Hartono from Jakarta residents reflects the disappointment with the handling of various city problems that have not been optimal. By optimizing various provisions in Law Number 2 of 2024, Heru Budi has the opportunity to improve the quality of life of Jakarta residents and make Jakarta a global habitable city. The focus is on improving infrastructure, transportation, public services, environmental management, and economic empowerment are key steps that must be taken to achieve this goal," he said.

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