JAKARTA - A brawl between two groups of residents has occurred again on Jalan Basuki Rahmat, precisely in front of Gembrong Market, North Cipinang Besar Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta.

Worse, the brawl between two groups of residents coincided with the celebration of the 497th anniversary of the City of Jakarta.

The brawl was colored by throwing stones and firecrackers at each other by two groups of warring residents.

As a result of the brawl, the traffic flow on Jalan Basuki Rahmat from the Kampung Melayu area to Pondok Bambu or vice versa was disrupted and experienced congestion.

A number of motorists were prevented from passing because a brawl occurred in the middle of the road.

Based on Fadly's statement, one of the local residents said the brawl had occurred since before dawn.

"This brawl is the umpteenth time this has happened. Usually a brawl occurs after there is no police guard. It is suspected that there was involvement of outsiders who took part in the brawl," he told reporters at the location, Saturday, June 22.

As is known, brawls in the area often occur. Actions are not only at night, brawls also often occur in the morning.

Kasat Sabhara East Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Capt. Hendra Wijaya has not provided an official statement regarding the arrested perpetrators.

"You can go to public relations for those at Gembrong Market," he said.

Meanwhile, the case of brawls between the two groups of residents was handled by the Jatinegara Police.

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