JAKARTA - Member of the General Election Commission (KPU) Idham Holik hopes that the Pilkada Law, which among other things, will discuss the issue of the age limit, can be promulgated in the near future.

"We hope to be promulgated soon because from June 30 to July 2, we will provide technical guidance to the provincial KPU throughout Indonesia regarding the nomination of regional heads and deputy regional heads," said Idham as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 21.

The KPU has consulted with the DPR and the government regarding the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) Number 23 P/HUM/2024 regarding the minimum age requirement for nomination of regional heads in the process of harmonizing the draft Pilkada Law.

Idham explained that the Pilkada Law would later be adjusted to the Supreme Court's decision. "We will adapt to the material formulation contained in the Supreme Court's decision number 23 P/HUM/2024," he explained.

Currently, the KPU is still waiting for a written consultation answer from the legislators.

He believes that the legislators, in this case Commission II of the DPR and the government through the Ministry of Home Affairs, understand well the existence or legal position of the Supreme Court's decision.

For information, the KPU has written to Commission II of the DPR RI regarding the follow-up to the Supreme Court Decision (MA) Number 23 P/HUM/2024 regarding the age of the minimum requirement for regional head candidates.

In the KPU Attachment Number 551/HK.02-SD/08/2024 signed by the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU, Hasyim Asy'ari on June 14, 2024, his party asked for the DPR's approval to follow up on the Supreme Court's Decision in the draft KPU Regulation on Regional Head Election Candidacy.

"Based on the decision of the Supreme Court Number 23 P/HUM/2024, the KPU will follow up on it in the draft KPU Regulation on the Nomination of Governors and Deputy Governors. Regents and Deputy Regents, as well as Mayors and Deputy Mayors as stated in the provisions of Article 15," as quoted from the KPU Attachment Number 552, Wednesday (19/6).

Thus, Article 15 of the draft KPU Regulation regarding the nomination of regional heads is changed to read, namely to:

"The lowest-aged requirements are 30 years for candidates for governor and deputy governor and 25-year-old candidates for regents and candidates for deputy regents as well as candidates for mayor and deputy mayor candidates as referred to in Article 14 paragraph (2) letter d starting from the inauguration of the elected candidate pair".

Meanwhile, when the harmonization process was still ongoing before the Supreme Court's decision was issued, the draft of the previous KPU Regulation during the public test on Tuesday (23/4) still referred to the old rules and the Regional Head Election Law regarding the calculation of the minimum age requirements for regional head candidates, namely when determined as candidate pairs.

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