JAKARTA - The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Shandi Nugroho, said that the investigation and investigation into the murder cases of Vina and Muhammad Rizky or Eky in Cirebon from 2016 until now has been running in a transparent, cautious manner, and nothing has been covered up.

"This process runs very transparently, nothing is covered up, in accordance with the direction of the President. Attention from the National Police Chief to be able to convey that tomorrow (Thursday, ed.) will be transferred to the prosecutor's office," said Inspector General Shandi at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 19.

In investigating and investigating the Vina Cirebon case, he said, the West Java Regional Police worked hard to uncover the case openly and openly and received input from the public.

"So, the disclosure of this case is not only by investigators, but investigators also receive assistance and supervision from Bareskrim Polri, Itwasum Polri, and Propam Polri," he said.

In addition, the disclosure of this case also received assistance from external parties from the National Police, both the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) and Komnas HAM.

Inspector General Shandi said Kompolnas and Komnas HAM had come to the West Java Regional Police and had communicated with investigators to see how the investigation was carried out.

With the disclosure of Pegi Setiawan alias Perong as the perpetrator of this case, according to him, it is increasingly clarifying the investigation tasks carefully, avoiding procedural errors as rumored.

"Investigators so far have been careful whether they don't want mistakes or not because there are certain interests, but merely want to be clear about this crime with a fairly serious struggle," he said. The arrest of Pegi Setiawan is not easy, let alone the efforts of the suspect running away from his responsibility as a good citizen, then blurring his identity during his escape by changing his name.

"This player is not easy to catch him because he did not immediately surrender, but has changed places. Had been introduced by his own father, saying that his name was Robi Irawan to his boarding house mother and stepmother. As an illustration that he was trying to create another identity," said Inspector General Pol. Sandi.

After the case was reached, it was acknowledged by his father that his son was named Pegi.

"In fact, at the beginning, to the boarding house mother where her father was there, but she (her father) conveyed it as a nephew with such a name. It was difficulties in the field," he said.

With the delegation of cases tomorrow, Thursday (20/6), according to him, the murder case of Vina and Eky with the suspect Pegi could be tried immediately, and the suspect was found guilty like eight other suspects.

Shandi said justice for Vina and Eky must be given because the murder of the two was sadistic. Both received cruel treatment, based on the post-mortem results there were severe injuries to the neck of the broken, top and bottom as well as fractures, and wounds from sharp weapons and blunt objects.

"Korban Eky sudah ditemukan di TKP dalam keadaan meninggal dunia pada saat itu. Untuk korban ananda Vina, masih dalam keadaan hidup jadi dilarikan ke rumah sakit," kata Shandi.

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