JAKARTA - A motorcyclist with the initials R was desperate to cross the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Flyover or known as the MBZ Toll Road. Worse yet, this driver does not wear a helmet and goes against the direction on the toll road.

The action was also recorded by motorists who passed until it finally went viral on social media.

Head of Cikampek Main, Kompol Deny Yuda Hermawan confirmed the incident. The incident occurred this morning, Wednesday, June 19.

He said that the motorcyclist was suspected of trying to escape when there were officers, instead he entered the MBZ toll road.

"Yes, it was stopped from the West Karawang gate, stopped but instead fled, finally turned back in the direction of MBZ," Deny said when confirmed, Wednesday, June 19.

Deny explained that the incident began when the motorcyclist entered from the direction of West Karawang, West Java. However, the officers who were at the location were stopped.

Instead, he turned back and fled up to the one that was right on MBZ's incline. "Yes, so he avoided the officers, instead took the top of the MBZ. Against that current," he said.

Luckily, the officers who were alert immediately secured the motorcyclist who was driving on the MBZ toll road at KM 48.

When the driver immediately looked like a confused person. When asked about the reasons for entering the toll road, he couldn't explain it.

"It's a person who is not clear, maybe again stressed or dazed, he was asked if he asked the person earlier, we asked the officers with toll patrols as well," he said.

He suspected that the motorcyclist did not know the way so he entered the MBZ toll road. However, he was still given a fine for violating traffic laws.

"We have already ticketed the person concerned. For violating the sign," he said.

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