JAKARTA - The United Development Party (PPP) Council has urged the Central Leadership Council (DPP) to immediately hold a congress this year. The pressure is related to PPP who did not pass the parliament.

Chairman of the Advisory Council of the PPP, Romahurmuziy, said that the party assembly had sent a letter related to this matter to the Acting Chairperson (Plt) of PPP Mardiono. The letter was delivered directly by the Chairman of the PPP Honorary Council, Zarkasih Nur and Mustofa Aqil Siroj.

"That's right, delivered directly by the two chairmen of the Assembly to the Acting Chairman, namely Kiai Zarkasih Nur (chairman of the honorary assembly) and Kiai Mustofa Aqil (chairman of the sharia assembly)," said the man who is familiarly called Romy, Tuesday, June 18.

However, he as Chair of the PPP DPP Advisory Council did not participate in meeting Mardiono, because he was having a personal agenda abroad.

It is known that the letter dated May 1, 2024, was signed by four high-ranking panel officials, namely the Chairman of the Honorary Council Zarkasih Nur, Chairman of the Panel of Experts Prijono Tjiptohrijanto, Chairman of the Sharia Council Mustofa Aqil Siroj, and Chairman of the Advisory Council M Romahurmuziy or Romy.

The letter contained a number of attitudes of the assembly council. They asked for the congress to be held in 2024.

"That, it is necessary to carry out a thorough evaluation of the decline in PPP votes nationally. Given: (1) the PPP votes at the national level (DPR) in the 2024 election are much lower than the PPP votes in the regions (Provincial and Regency/City DPRD); (2) the nomenclature of the 'Task Implementation' of the PPP general chairman implies that the position is not permanent and is not normally held according to the period," reads the point.

"The right forum for evaluation is the congress. Therefore, we request that the congress be held in 2024, no later than 3 (three) months after this letter is received".

In addition, the panel council also asked the DPP to immediately hold a national work meeting (mukernas) to determine its attitude towards the upcoming government.

"That, the 2024 presidential election has been completed with the announcement of the Constitutional Court on April 22, 2024. Therefore, PPP must immediately determine its attitude towards the upcoming government through the appropriate party deliberation forum. We urge that a national work meeting (mukernas) be held immediately to decide on this and other strategic matters," read the letter.

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