JAKARTA - Ahead of the pilgrimage period in Armuzna (Arafah Muzdalifah Mina), as many as 51 prospective pilgrims from Indonesia are still undergoing treatment due to health problems when they arrive in Arafah,.The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) in a release broadcast, Saturday 15 June, until the implementation of wukuf, said that as many as 51 patients were at the Indonesian Hajj Health Clinic (KKHI) placed in a special Hajj mission tent in Arafah. before the start of the Hajj peak procession, the Head of the Saudi Arabia Arafah PPIH Task Force Ali Machzumi reviewed the KKHI in the Hajj mission tent to ensure the final condition of the prospective pilgrims being treated. This is related to the preparation of wuhuf and wuhkuf safaris for the pilgrims who are still being treated at KKHI,''' Ali said. He explained that if the condition of the sick pilgrims was still possible, he could join the wakuf in the tent. However, if it is not possible, then it would be disafriwukufkan. As for Saturday, June 15 in the morning, there were 51 patients, with five patients who had to undergo intensive care.

"But Alhamdulillah, many have been discharged. Currently only five patients have to undergo intensive care. If it is stable, it will be returned to their respective groups to undergo wukuf, "said the person in charge of the KKHI Arafah Post Dr. M Firdaus. They experience a number of health problems with the majority of heart problems and fatigue. There are also those who experience heat stroke due to hot weather in Saudi Arabia. Apart from that, he said, currently there are 182 Indonesian Hajj candidates who are still being treated in several hospitals in Makkah and are scheduled to be included in the wusuf safari. Later they will be Wuhified on an ambulance prepared by KKHI and RS in Saudi Arabia.

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