TANGERANG - Police are still investigating the confession of RH (22), a suspect in the case of sexual intercourse with his biological child in Pondok Aren, South Tangerang (Tangsel) who claimed to have received threats from someone on Facebook with the account name Icha Shakila.

Deputy Director of Special Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Hendri Umar said, to carry out the examination, his party would coordinate with the National Police Laboratory.

"So until now for all cellphones, we have secured 2 units, both of which belong to the alleged perpetrator. This is being investigated in the laboratory to find out if it is true that RH women are under coercion," Hendri told reporters at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday, June 5.

In addition, his party will also try to explore the figure of Icha Shakila regarding the spread of the immoral video. The reason is that the criminal act of the account is categorized as protection of analytic laws and the Pornography ITE Law.

"By looking at the available evidence, we will conduct an examination using the digital laboratory that we have, especially to check the device cellphone or explore the IS account involved in this case," he said.

A video of a young mother having sex with a 5-year-old biological child circulating on social media. The mother with the initials RH admitted that she carried out the action on the orders of Icha Shakila's Facebook and was promised Rp. 15 million if she sent the video.

RH is now a suspect, while her husband is still under police investigation to find out the extent of his involvement.

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