JAKARTA - Former Household Head (Karumga) at the Official House (Rumdin) of the Minister of Agriculture, Sugiyatno said that the monthly money of Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) wife, Ayun Sri Harahap from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) had jumped to Rp 30 million.

This was revealed in the trial of the SYL case at the Corruption Court, in Jakarta, Monday, June 3. Sugiyanto revealed this when asked by the Chief Justice Rianto Adam Pontoh.

He said SYL's wife's monthly money increased from Rp. 15 million in 2020, then to Rp. 25 million, to Rp. 30 million.

"IDR 15 million in the beginning of 2020, then how much will it go up?" asked Pontoh.

"Rp 25 million," replied Sugiyatno.

"Directly Rp 25 million?" asked Pontoh.

"Yes," said Sugiyatno.

'After IDR 25 million, lastly?' asked Pontoh again.

"Rp 30 million," added Sugiyatno.

Sugiyatno said the money was taken from the leadership's household, but he admitted that he did not know the name of the giver. He admitted that he was only assigned to take it.

"What's that for?" asked Pontoh.

"You have a mother, that's it," he replied.

"Is there a receipt, or not?" continued the Chief Justice of the Panel of Judges.

"Yes," said Sugiyatno.

"What's written there?" said Pontoh.

"If I'm not mistaken, I'm sorry," said Sugiyatno.

Furthermore, Sugiyatno admitted that he did not know the follow-up to the money by SYL's wife. He also said the money was not always taken every month.

"We sometimes take it, sometimes not, sometimes we are escorted by ourselves from the office," he said.

Meanwhile, at the end of the trial, SYL said that the framing of himself and his wife was too far away.

"The money to the Minister and financing for food and drink and others, besides that there is a Dharma Wanita activity, an Oase activity where the minister is all related there and such funding. I'm sorry, Your Majesty, because public framing seems like I've gone too far," said SYL.

It is known that SYL was charged with extortion and received gratuities totaling IDR 44.5 billion in cases of alleged corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture in the period 2020 to 2023.

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