TANGERANG - NK as the victim's aunt of the four-year-old boy who was molested by her biological mother, RH (22) admitted that until now she is still receiving threats from the perpetrator's family.

"Until now it is threatening, he said he wants to kill us. The family of him (RH) wants his father to also be arrested," said NK when met at his home in the Pondok Betung area, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Monday, June 3.

"That's why until now I'm still afraid. Even though we just want peace," he added.

NK admitted that he did not want to make a police report. However, because the perpetrator's family was angry, he took a stand to make a police report.

"At first I didn't want to make a police report. Just because he was angry, I reported that RT continued to report to the police," he continued.

He admitted that until last night, when the alleged perpetrator was arrested by the police. The family of the alleged perpetrator came to his place and was angry.

"He came again, brought his friends. But last night he was kicked out, there was Babinsa at home," he said.

Previously, a woman with the initials RH (22) was arrested by the police on suspicion of molesting her child. The action was recorded using a cellphone until it finally went viral on social media.

RH was finally arrested by the police after the police received a report and saw the immoral video. The case is handled by Polda Metro Jaya.

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