PEKANBARU- Chairman of the MPR RI, Bambang Soesatyo, revealed that Pancasila has long been admired by many countries in the world. This statement refers to the efforts of the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno, who introduced Pancasila to the international community for a long time.

In his statement, Bambang Soesatyo said that one of the important moments was when Bung Karno introduced Pancasila before the United States Congress and the University of Heidelberg in West Germany. Furthermore, at the United Nations General Assembly (UN) on September 30, 1960, in a speech entitled "To Build the World A New" (Rebuilding the World), Bung Karno offered Pancasila as an international ideology.

"Pancasila not only has national values of Indonesia, but is also universal and international," said Bambang Soesatyo. He added that Bung Karno explained the precepts of Pancasila which include God, humanity, nationalism, democracy, and social justice, all of which are universally recognized by countries in the world.

Furthermore, Bambang Soesatyo mentioned that in the speech, Bung Karno suggested that Pancasila be included in the UN Charter. This proposal received a lively welcome from world leaders. In 1961, Bung Karno's speech at the UN General Assembly was recognized as Memory of the World (MoW) along with the archives of the First Non-Aligned Movement (GNB I) in Belgrade,▁keyakinan (now Serbia).

In addition, at the UNESCO Plenary Executive Board Session on 10-24 May 2023, Bung Karno's speech at the UN General Assembly was also designated as Memory of the World by UNESCO. "This proves the world's recognition of Pancasila," said Bambang Soesatyo.

He emphasized that Pancasila is the way of life of the Indonesian nation and the foundation of the nation's struggle, so its values must be applied to realize national unity and unity. Pancasila, since its birth, was intended as the basis of the state, ideology, and the views of the nation's life that unite the pluralism, as well as being a source of national identity. "Pancasila will be meaningful when its values are present in real action in society, not just being memorized," he concluded.

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