JAKARTA - The 10th World Water Forum (WWF) in Bali has formulated priorities in four areas covering Asia-Pacific, Mediterranean, American, and African areas.

Each of the regional coordinators met to discuss compiling and identifying priority steps related to the water crisis at the local and regional levels.

"The spirit of collaborating is not only a strong foundation for a sustainable (water management) future. But it also plays a crucial role in the success (water management) of each region," said World Water Council (WWC) President Loic Fauchondi Badung, Bali, Thursday, May 23, confiscated by Antara.

In this session, each four-area coordinator shared the results of one-year discussions and screened real ideas in overcoming regional water challenges. The Forum also provides an understanding of the common water priority aspects, but often different from one region to another.

In the session, the President of the Mediterranean Water Institute (IME) Alain Meyssonnier, CEO of Sabesp Benedito Braga, Executive Secretary of African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) Rashid Mbaziira, Chair of Governing Council Asia-Pacific Water Forum (APWF) Changhua Wu, and Eelco Van Beek from Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Loic said that all regional process sessions must be used as well as possible to collaborate and find the best solution to overcome water problems. Overcoming water in each region, as well as between areas that are related to each other.

"The spirit of collaborating is not only a strong foundation for a sustainable (water management) future. But it also plays a crucial role in the success (water management) of each region," he said.

The 10th WWF has produced four minutes of the Ministerial Declaration which was passed. The declaration was attended by 106 countries and 27 international organizations.

First, the establishment of the Center of Excellence for Water and Climate Security in order to develop capacity and utilization of superior facilities.

Second, from the Ministerial Declaration is to raise and encourage the issue of integrated water resource management on small islands. Even though it is surrounded by extensive waters, Indonesia still needs a good governance system to overcome the challenges of quality and availability of clean water.

Third, proposing World Lake Day. Lakes are a source of water supply that supports humans as well as has the social and economic functions of the community. Commemoration of World Lake Day is not just symbolic, but as one of the main keys to preserving lakes around the world.

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