JAKARTA - A illegal parking attendant (jukir) at Alfami on Jalan Malaka Raya, Duren Sawit, ran impairly when he saw a group of joint officers from the East Jakarta Sub-dept., Satpol PP, TNI and Polri conducting raids on illegal jukir.

The driver of the vehicle park without official permission fled into the minimarket where he was guarding the parking lot. The perpetrator hid in the toilet, as if to trick the officers of controlling illegal parking.

However, the officers managed to find out the perpetrator's action. Even though the jukir cursed in the bathroom, the officers then waited outside the minimarket bathroom.

Officers also knocked on the bathroom door on the grounds that they wanted to use the bathroom alternately. However, when the perpetrator opened the bathroom door, he was surprised by the presence of Dishub officers.

"Earlier in the bathroom," the jukir pretext was at the location, Tuesday, May 21.

Even so, the officers then recorded the identity of the jukir and made a statement so that the perpetrators would not return to ask for parking fees from minimarket visitors.

"I'm having another deposit here, sir," he said.

Of the many illegal parking lots in minimarkets in the East Jakarta area, East Jakarta Sub-dept. officers only collect data on the jukir.

Head of the Central Jakarta Transportation Agency, Renny, said the activity was a follow-up to previous activities that had been carried out.

"In the context of controlling illegal jukir activities in alphamart and alphamidi in the East Jakarta area. Illegal parking without permission if violated will be subject to sanctions. The sanctions are tipiring," said East Jakarta Transportation Sub-dept., Renny.

The Central Jakarta Transportation Sub-Department only issued a statement because there had been no strict sanctions.

"Sanctions are still in the process of being discussed. Meanwhile, we are giving a statement to the illegal jukir at alphamart, Indomaret and alphamadi," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the East Jakarta Transportation Sub-Department (Sudinhub) again intensified illegal parking raids in a number of minimarkets in the East Jakarta area on Tuesday, May 21.

This time, the control started at 08.00 WIB. Sweeping began at a number of minimarkets located at Jalan Kayu Tingu Ujung Menteng, Jalan Pangolan Raya, Jalan Malaka Sari and Jalan Malaka Jaya.

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