SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) continues to accelerate the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccination targets elementary and junior high school teachers in Surabaya.

Head of the Surabaya City Health Service (Dinkes), Febria Rachmanita, said vaccination for teachers in the city of Surabaya began Tuesday, March 9. Teachers are the target part of the vaccination program in phase two with the first dose.

"Vaccination for teachers has started yesterday. Currently, the first priority is those teachers who are elderly", said Feny, her nickname, at Dr. Soewandhie Hospital, Surabaya, Wednesday, March 10.

Feny stated that the second phase of vaccination was not only targeted at teachers and the elderly. However, vaccination also targets lecturers to scholars. Vaccinations are carried out in stages according to the number of vaccines received.

"It remains only teachers, lecturers, and then scholars, there are some who have not. Vaccines for teachers are currently taking 20 percent of the total (vaccines) available", she explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Surabaya City Government, Febriadhitya Prajatara, explained that the number of teachers registered by the Surabaya Education Office (Dispendik) to get vaccines were around 25.422 people. This number consists of teachers at the SD and SMP levels.

"Of that amount, around 20 percent is the initial priority", said Febri.

As for the location, said Febri, teacher vaccination is carried out at the nearest health center in each school.

"The implementation is at the nearest health center from the school where they work", he said.

According to her, the vaccination for teaching staff or teachers was carried out in stages. However, his party confirmed that in the future all teachers in Surabaya will receive the vaccine while waiting for the distribution of vaccine vial assistance from the central government.

"Yesterday, we got around 15 thousand to complete the second dose of the elderly vaccine. The sooner we try our best to give the vaccine in this second stage, the faster the next vaccine distribution assistance from the central government will be", she said.

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