JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov) through the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) will form a special team to resolve the case of illegal parking attendants (jukir) at the DKI Jakarta minimarket.

The team from the Satpol PP to the prosecutor's office will take action at the illegal jukir's place in front of the minimarket that was caught in the raid, and will be immediately subject to a minor crime (tipiring).

The raid was the aftermath of the arrest of two illegal jukir at the Istiqlal Mosque in Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta. They charge car parking rates of up to IDR 150 thousand.

Responding to this, a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the PDI-P (PDIP) faction, Hardiyanto Kenneth, said that illegal jukir who was caught in a raid at the minimarket should be trained so that in the future he does not repeat his actions again.

It is different, he continued, with the incident at the Istiqlal Mosque, where a wild jukir forced car drivers to pay at a price of Rp. 150,000 which was indeed feasible in the legal process.

"Later on, the illegal jukir who have been caught in raids at this minimarket, don't just release them after that, which have been like that before. In the end, they will definitely repeat the same actions again, because there is no deterrent effect. There must be an innovative concept, so that this problem can have a concrete solution. If you want to do coaching, it must also be clear what form of coaching. Action should be accompanied by a solution," said Kenneth in his statement, Friday, May 17.

Kenneth assessed that the existence of a wild jukir in Jakarta was due to the lack of control carried out by the Jakarta Provincial Government, in this case the Jakarta Transportation Agency.

"But to be honest, we have to look from all sides with the phenomenon of proliferating a wild jukir in a number of places that have actually occurred for a very long time. The basic rules are actually already there, listed in Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2012 concerning Parking and Governor Regulation No. 31 of 2017, but indeed it must be admitted from the side that the supervision and development have been very weak so that problems can arise like this can arise. Actually, the content of Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2012 concerning Parking is very clear and strong, living from the DKI Provincial Government alone, it may not be in translating and implementing it with full responsibility and seriousness. This problem must immediately have a solution, not because it has made the community very restless. Don't because it has gone viral and crowded in the social media of the new DKI Provincial Government wants to act. It must be remembered that this jukir problem has actually been very long and has been dissolved, has been rooted and has become a hereditary habit and has not closed the possibility that there are also members of the DKI Provincial Government who are ranking and playing. I hope that this illegal jukir action activity will not only take place in season and while, it must be carried out continuously, bold and aggressively. Not only in the mini market the target, but the next stage of controlling can target office areas, malls and restaurants that are located in roadside shophouses. Because to this day I still find a lot of illegal parking that is not done at all, it seems that I let it and instead there is also what I see these wild jukir drivers direct their vehicles to park their vehicles on the sidewalks and eat up the road bodies so as to cause severe congestion, "said Kenneth.

The chairman of the IKAL PPRA LXII Lemhannas RI also felt pessimistic when the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, promised to provide jobs to illegal parking attendants. In fact, providing jobs for unemployed people in Jakarta is in fact not as easy as turning the palms of their hands.

"I ask Mr. Heru to be able to comprehensively study his intention to provide illegal jukir work in Jakarta, to think carefully. What is the form of his job like? What kind of recruitment mechanism? In fact, the DKI Provincial Government can reflect on developed countries about parking arrangements, so that they can make a solution in solving this illegal parking problem," he said.

According to him, there are at least three solutions that the provincial government can consider in controlling illegal jukir. First, providing sufficient parking space. Government and private offices in Jakarta can be asked to provide parking space for the public. In addition, if there is vacant land owned by the government, both central and provincial governments, vertical parking lots are built.

"Then the second, involve private parking service operators managing parking lots and recruiting illegal jukir. In addition, the DKI Provincial Government can share profits with parking service operators as local revenue (PAD). Parking rates can be regulated at competitive prices, so drivers refrain from using their personal vehicles," he said.

Then, continued Kenneth, the third is mass public transportation, including those who reach workers from agglomeration areas such as Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang to Bogor.

"Security and service are also considerations so that private vehicle drivers want to switch to public transportation," he concluded.

As is known, a number of netizens previously complained about the existence of illegal parking attendants in minimarkets after shopping by uploading them on social media (medsos).

One of them was uploaded by the TikTok social media account 'Candidate Mayor' which uploaded the existence of illegal jukir in minimarkets and MSMEs which made consumers reluctant to come to the location to purchase goods or food.

The pros and cons occur in the comments column of uploaded videos on social media. Some say that paying for motorbike parking at minimarkets of Rp. 2,000 will not make someone poor.

However, there are also netizens who are cons because the income earned by minimarket parking attendants from illegal levies is quite large and can even exceed the DKI Jakarta UMP if the locations are crowded and strategic.

Netizens also complained about the existence of the jukir who only appeared after the motorcycle owner came out of the minimarket and then blew the whistle and asked for parking money.

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