PALANGKA RAYA - Head of Public Relations of the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Erlan Munaji, said that on the second day after the tragedy of the burning tugboat Surya 03 and Setia Baru 05 trading ship, three people died.
"Meanwhile, eight crew members (ABK) are still being searched," said Erlan Munaji in Palangka Raya, Antara, Tuesday, May 14.
The three people who died were one Setia Baru 05 crew with the initials A and two crew members Surya 03. Two crew members, Surya 03, he said, were found dead on fire on the right top of the tugboat (delayed ship).
"So, after cooling the burning ship, we managed to find the bodies of two crew members on the tugboat," he said.
Erlan revealed that residents had rescued Setia Baru 05 trading ship with the initials A. The victim finally died despite receiving medical treatment at Tamiang Layang Hospital, East Barito Regency, last Monday at around 16.30 WIB.
Currently, his party is searching for eight crew members who are still missing, consisting of six crew members Surya 03 and two Crew Members Setia Baru 05.
"We are a joint team from the TNI, Polri, Basarnas, and the surrounding community looking for victims. Hopefully they will be found soon," he said.
Until now, his party has not been able to determine the cause of the burning of the two ships because a joint team from the Central Kalimantan Police, the South Barito Police, and the Palangka Raya City Basarnas are still conducting investigations, including asking for statements from witnesses.
Meanwhile, another victim who is currently undergoing medical treatment at the Tamiang Layang Village Hospital, East Barito Regency, has also not been able to provide information.
"Currently it is still being investigated, later we will update the results of the joint team's investigation," he said.
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