The West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati NTB) revealed the arrest of an employee of the Attorney General's Office with the initials DW in the Tanjung area, North Lombok Regency.
"The Indonesian Attorney General's Office who we arrested last night in Tanjung is a TU staff at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office," said NTB Attorney General's Intelligence Assistant Wayan Riana in Mataram, Antara, Wednesday, May 8.
The arrest of DW, he explained, was based on information from the AGO that the employee had violated the discipline recorded not coming to work for about a week.
"So, this arrest began with information from the Indonesian Attorney General's Office regarding the existence of one of the initials DW who had not entered the office properly for several days without the leadership's permission and was in the jurisdiction of the NTB Prosecutor's Office," he said.
From information from the Indonesian Attorney General's Office, the Head of the NTB Attorney General's Office, Bambang Gunawan, issued a task order to arrest DW.
"After we conducted a search, the whereabouts of DW were revealed in Tanjung and immediately on Tuesday (7/5) night at around 20.00 WITA. We arrested DW together with an intelligence team from the Mataram Kejari," he said.
From the results of the clarification, it was revealed that DW's activities in Tanjung were related to personal matters, namely opening a business with his colleagues.
"So, the information circulating about DW's alleged extortion of litigants is true, we have clarified that he has personal matters regarding the business being carried out by his colleagues in Tanjung," said Wayan.
Furthermore, DW has now been secured at the Mataram Kejari Office. The plan is that on Thursday (9/5), DW will be dispatched to Jakarta to further undergo an examination at the AGO regarding the disciplinary violation.
"Later, whether the violation is categorized as light, medium or severe, it will be determined by the AGO, we will only follow up on arrests," he said.
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