SURABAYA - Three former politicians from the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) and one former PDI-P politician in Surabaya officially joined NasDem.

"With the joining of these new cadres, we are ready to further strengthen the party so that it can meet the target in the 2024 elections," said Chairman of the NasDem Regional Executive Board (DPD) of Surabaya City, Robert Simangunsong, in Surabaya as quoted by Antara, Monday, March 8.

According to him, the NasDem Surabaya target in the 2024 elections is to win 10 seats in the Surabaya Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD). "By joining these extraordinary figures, we are sure that this target can be met," said Robert.

There were also three PSI politicians, namely the Deputy Chairman of the East Java PSI, Wendik Arifyanto, the former Chairman of the Surabaya PSI DPD Puji Kurniawati, and former East Java legislative candidates from PSI Gunawan. Meanwhile, from the PDIP, namely former members of the Surabaya Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) from the PDIP faction and former Deputy Chairman of the Surabaya Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) Anugrah Ariyadi.

Meanwhile, Anugrah Ariyadi said that his choice to join the party that owns three seats in the Surabaya DPRD was based on several considerations, including wanting to maintain his constituents and also Nasdem's achievements which continued to climb even though many parties had fallen.

Anugrah, who is also Deputy Chairman of Commission B of the Surabaya DPRD for the 2014-2019 period, also said that the blessing of the family is another reason.

"It is impossible for me to make a decision without the blessing of my family," said Anugrah.

His party did not dare to promise anything in the Nasdem Party. "But I am ready to give pride to the NasDem Party," he said.

Meanwhile, the former East Java legislative candidate from PSI, Gunawan, considered Nasdem to be quite good at maintaining diversity in Indonesia.

"I was also supported by my constituents to anchor at Nasdem," he said.

Anugrah Ariyadi Is Fired by Megawati

Previously, the Chairperson of the PDI-P Central Executive Board (DPP), Megawati Soekarnoputri, signed a decree for the dismissal of Anugrah Ariyadi from the PDI-P membership.

In the dismissal letter numbered: 82/KPTS/DPP/XII/2020, also signed the Secretary-General of PDIP Hasto Kristiyanto. The dismissal letter was issued on Friday, 18 December.

In the letter, it was stated that Anugrah Ariyadi had committed a serious violation. Therefore the decision to dismiss the PDI Perjuangan cadre must be made.

Described in the letter of attitude, actions, and deeds of Anugrah Ariyadi for disobeying the PDIP Regional Executive Board (DPD) instructions regarding the recommendations of candidates for mayor and vice mayor of Surabaya.

Anugrah is known to support Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman. Even though the PDIP is carrying out Eri Cahyadi-Armudji in the Surabaya Regional Head Election (Pemilihan Kepala Daerah/Pilkada). Eri-Armudji is now the mayor-deputy mayor of Surabaya.

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