SIMPANG FOUR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of West Pasaman, West Sumatra, asked the nagari (village) to write to the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office and Basarnas regarding the change of water from the Batang Nango Nagari Kajai River, Talamau District to mud. "If it has been written, we will jointly search upstream of the river using drones, so that we can know for sure the actual conditions," said West Pasaman BPBD Chief Executive Jhon Edwar at Simpang Empat, as reported by Antara, Monday, April 29. His party has received reports from the public regarding the change in river water which was originally clear to muddy and caused a smell. This change makes residents restless. "This incident has been going on since last Sunday until this afternoon. Apart from mixed with black mud, the river water also caused a smell of sulfur," said Head of the Nagari Disaster Preparedness South Kajai Elwa Masri at Simpang Empat, Monday. Water comes from the Talamau mountains that flow in the river. The condition is cloudy and smells of pungent sulfur. In addition, it was found that there were dead and floating fish. As a result of this incident, residents are afraid to move, including to go to their agricultural areas. His party has also reported this to the Head of the West Pasaman Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and the Head of the West Pasaman Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR).
"We have reported it and are waiting for a follow-up from the relevant agencies. Because we are worried about the deposit gathering upstream of the river which causes silting in the dry season, so there is the potential for flash floods when it rains," he said.

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