BENGKULU - The Maritime Security Agency or Bakamla plans to build a sea base for the west coast of Sumatra Island in Bengkulu Province. "I have written to the mayor and to the governor so that land can be given to build a Bakamla RI base in Bengkulu," said Head of Bakamla Vice Admiral TNI Irvansyah in Bengkulu, Antara, Wednesday, April 24. He hopes that the construction of a sea base can be realized in 2024 when the local government can allocate its land. "God willing, we will find a budget in 2024 for its construction," said Irvansyah. According to the Head of Bakamla, not all provinces have marine bases and so far only 15 bases are available throughout Indonesia. "Not all provinces, now only 15 stations (bases). In the future, the plan is to build as 35 stations," he added. The addition of the base is in line with Bakamla's plan to build a National Maritime Monitoring System in all Indonesian waters. "It will form a National Maritime Surveillance System and that is monitoring throughout Indonesia, there are 35 stations and hopefully Bengkulu will be one of them, so support from all parties," he said. On the occasion of the 42nd Dies Natalis Bengkulu University, Wednesday, Vice Admiral TNI Irvansyah also invited Bengkulu's sons and daughters to join Bakamla RI to serve the nation.
"I also invite all Bengkulu sons and daughters, let's join Bakamla RI. Bakamla will be bigger, there are many fields of discipline that we can accept about marine, health and even communication," he said.

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