The Surge In Passengers At Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Higher Than Last Year
Kampung Rambutan Terminal/ Photo: IST

After the Eid holiday, a number of travelers again flooded the Kampung Rambutan Terminal in East Jakarta, Tuesday, April 16. They returned to Jakarta in the homecoming backflow season.

On Monday, 13,554 passengers on the backflow of the homecoming arrived at the Kampung Rambutan terminal. That number is higher than last year's Eid season.

"This has increased (compared) last year at the peak of backflow. As for this year until yesterday there were thirteen thousand passengers," said Head of Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Yulza Ramadhoni to reporters, Tuesday, April 16.

Yulza said homecoming travelers were dominated by the arrival of buses from the West Java and Central Java routes.

"(passengers from) West Java are usually there, because it depends on the departure of the terminal of origin. The peak of the backflow is predicted to be today," he said.

This number has jumped sharply as many travelers have ended their Eid holiday period. The number of passengers on this backflow is also higher than last year's Eid season of up to 45 percent.

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